514.335.8413 | 1.855.858.0644


“Quick Connect” Adapter Set!

A professional job in no time! To perform the field test of a backflow prevention device effectively, the Quick Connect adapter’s kit is essential. Each adapter contains an O-Ring, which ensure a sealed connection to complete all your tests.

Unlike the adapters initially supplied with the purchase of the pressure gauge, the “Quick Connect” adapters screw effortlessly onto the backflow preventer test cocks. You can then connect the test kit hoses to it, without applying Teflon or using tools, all in just a few seconds! Your purchase will pay off after as little as five field testings!

Using these adapters has many advantages:
  • Allows considerable time savings in testing a backflow prevention device: in most cases, fifteen minutes is sufficient,
  • Ensures sealed connections through integrated O-rings,
  • Protects the device and the pressure gauge from risk of breakage: Teflon can get inside the internal components and cause damage,
  • Ensures a clean and professional work: Teflon leaves traces on test cocks unlike adapters.
Available adapter kits

We have already prepared adapter kits or we may customize the kits to fit your specific needs.

The basic kit includes 9 adapters:

  • 3 adapters for test cocks 1/4”
  • 3 adapters for test cocks 1/2”
  • 3 adapters for test cocks 3/4”

The complete kit includes 12 adapters, one for each test cock:

  • 4 adapters for test cocks 1/4”
  • 4 adapters for test cocks 1/2”
  • 4 adapters for test cocks 3/4”

We recommend that you complete your set with additional 1/4’’ 90 ° swivel adapter units. These adapters facilitate the certification of backflow preventer devices when test cocks are poorly located and difficult to access.

Order your adapter kit today!